What we do for you.

We develop scalable applications, online shops and web systems

Our interdisciplinary team plans, designs and programs complex solutions for you that are tailored to the needs of your company - far beyond the mere development of websites. The right hosting environment? Let's take care of it. APIs to existing systems? We are aware! Supplementary print media? No problem!


WordPress & WooCommerce

WordPress & WooCommerce are an unbeatable team when it comes to powerful, scalable and easy-to-use online systems that do not require a lot of overload. Present your company or sell your products and services online with ease - with our easyEdit backend it's really super easy, even without prior knowledge.

Individual apps

Do you need a system that doesn't exist yet? Sounds good, because individual applications and solutions are our specialty. This includes almost everything that can be realized with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. But the best thing about it: We are known for our unconventional ways, which always keep an eye on the budget.

Hosting & Support

The new web is ready and then? Don't worry because we won't leave you alone and will ensure that your systems are well maintained. Thanks to proactive monitoring and redundant backup management, you are always on the safe side. And if something does go wrong, we are the link between you and the technically involved parties such as the hoster or IT department.